Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Oburoni Has Landed!!!!!

So I am finally in Ghana, Africa and have been here for about 10 days.  My emotions have been pulled in every direction from the new environment - there's so many things to look at in every direction.  The scenery is beautiful, the culture is different, and not to mention the fact that we have no running water! We pump all our water from a well for 'showers', drinking water, and doing laundry. 

My time is already up on the internet but I'll be coming to the market more in June, so hopefully I'll have a chance to upload at least a few pictures. I came very unprepared today since we stopped by the internet cafe on our way home from the Bat Caves in Boyem.  We've done so many cool things and there is certainly not enough time to explain everything that I've experienced in the past week but as a quick outline, we've began collecting data for our primate groups at the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (where we are staying at), visited Kakum National Park (did a hike through a legit rainforest), visited a local chief and a couple village priests and went through almost a ritual asking him if we can stay and do research here (of course, he accepted), we've been stared at by EVERYONE (we look really weird to Ghanians because of our whiteness) and more! I'll be more prepared next time, I think, to explain everything.  I have some cool pictures too....and I can't wait to share them with everyone - I really really need to spice up this blog!!!

Until next time (probably in a couple of weeks)!

<3 Kira <3


  1. You finally made it there :)

    Have fun, sounds awesome.

  2. have a great time there, try everything
